Predator Free Dunedin

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Brighton Trapping Project

The Brighton Trapping Project is aiming to increase the native birdlife in Brighton and Ocean View - including kēreru (wood pigeon), kōtare (kingfisher), ruru (morepork) and kārearea (New Zealand falcon) which live in our local area.

We want to achieve this by reducing the number of predators. We are currently targeting possums, rats and in some cases mustelids (stoats and ferrets), using NAWAC approved humane traps that are safe around pets and children when used correctly.

The Brighton Trapping Project is led by locals, for locals. Our small team of coordinators works on a volunteer basis to provide our community with the tools and skills needed to successfully eliminate pests. We can only achieve our vision if the community is actively involved.

Get invovled

There are several ways in which you can become involved:

  • Backyard trapping: We sell traps at cost, which includes rat traps in pet-safe tunnels: Trapinators and Flipping Timmies for possums; DOC200/250s for mustelids and rats. We help set up your trap, teach you how to use it, and register you on TrapNZ so you can record your catches.

  • Lifestyle block trapping: Become a trap host. We can loan traps for a limited time to landowners in or near Brighton and Ocean View residential area. Training and help with installation included.

  • Adopt a community trapline: We have several traplines (possums and rats) set up on DCC reserves. These need checking by committed individuals once a week or as needed. We train and support you.

We encourage anyone who is trapping to log their catches on ‘Brighton Trapping Project’ on TrapNZ. 

Key native species: Kererū, kōtare karearea/falcon, ruru/morepork

Target predator(s): Possums, rats, mustelids (stoats and ferrets)

